Leverage Prestigious Partnerships of Cigniti

IRI is now renowned worldwide for its high performance sorting, ETL, data quality, conversion, masking, subsetting, reporting, and test data synthesis technology. Cigniti has partnered with IRI, The CoSort Company – a leader in data management and security software to provide safe, realistic test data from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured sources.
Users can leverage IRI Voracity platform components to rapidly mask, subset, or synthesize structurally and referentially correct database test data, or to find and mask PII in semi- or unstructured sources to produce realistic targets with the same masking functions applied, supporting data integrity in masking enterprise-wide.
Industry Focus
Key Features
Proven Benefits
IRI Voracity platform
The modern IRI Voracity platform consolidates data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics in a single Eclipse IDE called IRI Workbench, and uses the power of its CoSort (or Hadoop) engines to perform, speed, and combine multiple tasks – like transformation, cleansing, masking and reformatting. Contact Cigniti below to try these capabilities yourself, within or outside BlueSwan TDM operations.