{"id":2658,"date":"2016-06-03T09:50:59","date_gmt":"2016-06-03T09:50:59","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.gallop.net\/blog\/?p=1342"},"modified":"2020-01-27T12:17:31","modified_gmt":"2020-01-27T06:47:31","slug":"successfully-implementing-tdd-bdd-to-enable-shift-left-testing-approach","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cigniti.com\/blog\/successfully-implementing-tdd-bdd-to-enable-shift-left-testing-approach\/","title":{"rendered":"Successfully Implementing TDD\/BDD to Enable Shift-Left Testing Approach"},"content":{"rendered":"

Today, when developers are using tools like J unit\/N unit for testing their code, approaches such as test driven development (TDD) and behaviour driven development (BDD) focus on improving the quality of the code that is being written. Though the approaches require a different mind-set, the objective remains the same.<\/p>\n

Usually Behaviour driven development is focused on the business behaviour of your code: the \u201cwhy\u201d behind the code. The focus is usually on the intent rather than process. It supports a team-centric (especially cross-functional) workflow. BDD works really well when a developer and either the agile product owner or a business analyst sit down together and write the pending specifications:<\/p>\n