{"id":2534,"date":"2016-01-12T09:26:55","date_gmt":"2016-01-12T09:26:55","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.gallop.net\/blog\/?p=922"},"modified":"2018-09-25T15:00:14","modified_gmt":"2018-09-25T09:30:14","slug":"achieve-greater-agility-with-test-advisory-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cigniti.com\/blog\/achieve-greater-agility-with-test-advisory-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Achieve Greater Agility with Test Advisory"},"content":{"rendered":"

Today\u2019s enterprises are facing increasingly complex IT infrastructures and need to have a shorter time to market to provide their solutions and products. Moreover, the quality of the solutions provided by them is directly proportional to the quality of the process being executed. Today, many businesses struggle with building an efficient and scalable testing schedule that can support different types of testing. The other common challenges they face include ineffective automation efforts, inadequate tools configuration and management, and improper test data management along with ineffective requirements traceability and test environment management. These challenges have the capacity to hinder build and release management. Therefore, it is clear that these enterprises need to have an effective test strategy to deliver quality solutions. The better the process is managed and implemented, the batter will be the predicted output. Thus, a smart testing strategy helps address these challenges across the testing continuum to ensure better software quality.<\/p>\n

Software quality is a responsive differentiator in today’s techno driven global economy. Achieving quality requires a carefully crafted test strategy that is implemented and monitored by a combination of people, process, and technology. This also ensures a flawless IT operation that is crucial to strengthen business environments with the right test infrastructure, tools, and resources to address the software testing requirements. This planning is possible with test advisory management.<\/p>\n

Test Advisory Overview<\/strong><\/p>\n

In general, test advisory takes an overview of people, process, and tools to capture the processes through a comprehensive initial assessment and review. It primarily involves test assessment, audit of test cases, tools strategy and enterprise test strategy creation. It also includes the processes of an effective management of test strategy, provide testing assistance, and also provide quality reviews.<\/p>\n

Test advisory follows the process of test assessment, audit of test assets, test process advisory and QA tools advisory. Further the major approach includes developing a testing strategy and planning with the assistance and assessment. Further, risk-based approach to testing is followed and focus is placed on areas of high risk business. All the factors of people, process, technology and risk is taken into account and ensures that testing is performed early and continued throughout the software development life cycle.<\/p>\n

Now, after knowing in detail about it, let us see some of the advantages with test advisory listed below.<\/p>\n

Test Advisory improves the Agility of an enterprise with the following:<\/strong><\/p>\n