{"id":179,"date":"2014-12-18T06:30:28","date_gmt":"2014-12-18T12:30:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cigniti.com\/blog\/?p=179"},"modified":"2020-01-27T12:30:56","modified_gmt":"2020-01-27T07:00:56","slug":"collaboration-testing-the-keys-to-a-successful-agile-project","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cigniti.com\/blog\/collaboration-testing-the-keys-to-a-successful-agile-project\/","title":{"rendered":"Collaboration and Testing \u2013 The Keys To A Successful Agile Project"},"content":{"rendered":"

Agile software development is defined as a method in which requirements and solutions develop over multiple iterations through collaborations between cross-functional teams. The Agile Manifesto published in 2001 puts \u201cIndividuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools\u201d.<\/p>\n

Agile testing<\/a> is defined as a software testing practice in which software development is considered to be the customer of testing. It involves testing as early and as often as possible with the motive of identifying and weeding out defects in the early stages of development.<\/p>\n

Two concepts that stand out in the above definitions are \u201ccollaboration\u201d and \u201cearly and repeated testing\u201d. Let us look at the reasons why these are vital to agile projects.<\/p>\n

Why is collaboration important in agile projects?<\/strong><\/p>\n

The success of an Agile project depends on close collaboration between various cross-functional teams. Agility enforces the idea of ONE team and ONE goal. All the various stakeholders \u2013 Product Owners, Developers, Testers, Technical and Domain Experts \u2013 come together to function as a single team with the primary goal of realizing a product that meets the end user expectations. Teamwork and collaboration is very important in an agile project for the following reasons:<\/p>\n