Top 4 Business Benefits of Big Data Testing

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When data is in the hands of the right people in an organization, it becomes an asset. With the emergence of social media, mobile and cloud platforms, organizations face the onslaught of voluminous data. According to the McKinsey Company’s Business Technology Office and McKinsey Global Institute, data generation, storage and data mining is becoming economically relevant for businesses. They thus begin big data testing to harness the competitive advantage of big data generated through their business applications. The following substantiates the business benefits of big data testing.

Accurate Data

According to Gartner, data volume will expand by 800% within the next five years and 80% of it will be contributed by unstructured data. The quality analysis of unstructured data will offer intelligent data insights that are usually difficult to determine with data warehousing facilities and other traditional business intelligence tools. As unstructured data is typically large and unusable, it can be mined for business benefits. Accurate data will help businesses analyze their business competition and focus on their weak areas to strengthen their power.

Improved Business Decisions

Big data can support a manager in better decision making or automate the decision-makingprocess. Various surveys suggest that big data is used for better decision making 58% of the time, and in 29% of the time it helps in automating business decisions. According to Micheal Knorr, who heads the integration and data services at a leading financial organization, “it all depends on the manager, whether he wishes to use data to support his business decisions or automating his decisions by considering the level of the risk involved. The QA of unstructured business data will help businesses arrive at better business decisions.”

Improved Market Targeting and Strategizing

Today, businesses are keen to exploit the benefits of big data in planning their digital marketing strategies. With advancement in the web technology, it becomes easier for businesses to collect the vast amount of data based on user behavior and history. They can convert this data into a compelling, personalized experience for each customer who comes to the website. Big data testing will help businesses employ optimization and predictive behavioral targeting to arrive at better decisions.

Minimizes losses and Increases Revenues

[Tweet “Every year businesses lose $8.2 million to $100 million due to the poor quality of big data. Source Gartner”]

According to Gartner, every year businesses lose $8.2 million to $100 million due to the poor quality of big data. Today, most businesses have put quality strategies in place to identify bad data from good data, still the losses are high. Big data testing helps minimize such losses by differentiating valuable data from the heap of semi-structured and unstructured data. It will help businesses to vastly improve their customer service, make better business decisions and increase their revenues.

Today, most organizations are dealing with major gaps between their data volume and lack of experienced QA experts. This is where Cigniti can make a significant contribution with its QA experts. Cigniti data testing experts will help them harness the benefits of big data testing by offering tailor-made Cigniti Testlets.

To know more about how Cigniti can help you to find success with big data testing of your application, feel free to contact us at


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