4 Tips To Become the Agile Tester of Your (Customer’s) Dreams! Cigniti Technologies2020-01-27T12:28:08+05:30Being agile is today’s way for businesses to deliver the intended value their customers expect from their services. Agile software development practices are being hailed globally as the new benchmark in technology product/project delivery. In this context, agile testing finds an irreplaceable seat in the agile bandwagon. What is agile [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail January 7, 2015 Read more...
4 Crucial Challenges for Agile Testing In Distributed Teams Cigniti Technologies2024-09-06T14:44:59+05:30A recent Forrester report emphasizes the fact that consistent performance in agile teams must include agile testing as well. And for agile testing to succeed, testers must work intimately with the development team on day-to-day project activities. Agility adds new dimensions and areas of focus to the testing and QA [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail January 4, 2015 Read more...
6 Reasons Why Automation Is Important In Agile Testing? Cigniti Technologies2024-07-15T11:58:55+05:30Automation brings the benefits of increased productivity and reduced costs in any field. In agile software development, automation has become such an integral part of agile testing that it is difficult to think of one without the other. Let us see the major reasons why automation is considered crucial [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail December 22, 2014 Read more...
Collaboration and Testing – The Keys To A Successful Agile Project Cigniti Technologies2020-01-27T12:30:56+05:30Agile software development is defined as a method in which requirements and solutions develop over multiple iterations through collaborations between cross-functional teams. The Agile Manifesto published in 2001 puts “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools”. Agile testing is defined as a software testing practice in which software development is [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail December 18, 2014 Read more...
5 reasons why Agile testing and software development go hand in hand Cigniti Technologies2024-08-01T15:05:15+05:30Over the years, an increasing number of software companies are adopting the agile methodology, not just in development but in testing as well. The reasons for this include higher returns and a reduced time to market. So, what is agile testing and how can your business benefit from it? What [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail December 2, 2014 Read more...