7 Core Practices of Agile Test Automation Cigniti Technologies2022-07-27T19:26:11+05:30Agile testing helps make test automation more efficient and effective with shortened development cycles. Agile Test Automation bolsters quality assurance and quickens application delivery. Some of the core practices of agile test automation can be listed as follows: Automation based on coverage: The scope of test automation depends on the [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail August 14, 2015 Read more...
Internet of Things (IoT) Use Cases & The Importance of Software Testing Cigniti Technologies2018-09-25T14:49:11+05:30Automation has made manufacturing more agile and flexible, and also allows developers to tailor products to any customer’s exact requirements. Industrial systems these days are no longer programmed only for certain tasks – they now converge, communicate, and integrate with each other in a way that simply wasn’t possible before. [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail July 29, 2015 Read more...
6 Common Myths around Agile Testing Cigniti Technologies2021-05-31T15:19:40+05:30Agile development methodologies have been at the center stage for many organizations, and with DevOps evolving, testing in agile environments has gained momentum However, there have been a lot of myths and misconceptions around “agile testing”. Some of the very common myths are discussed below in this blog: Myth1: Testing [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail July 14, 2015 Read more...
3 Challenges of Implementing DevOps Testing & How To Deal With Them Cigniti Technologies2022-07-28T20:07:31+05:30 “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Jean-Baptiste Poquelin DevOps is a revolution, and a cultural one at that. According to renowned COO’s globally, the biggest challenge for a company that intends to adopt DevOps testing can be classified into two areas, namely, the developers need [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail June 23, 2015 Read more...
4 Steps toward Agile Development with Traceable Tests Cigniti Technologies2022-07-28T20:48:45+05:30Traceability is the virtue of being traceable – sounds straightforward, doesn’t it? In terms of software testing, traceability refers to linking test cases to their sources. Now, you may ask why is traceability important in an agile development. Here are the answers. In agile software, the requirements of software projects change [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail May 22, 2015 Read more...
4 Critical Things to Consider for Agile Test Automation Cigniti Technologies2021-05-15T00:19:33+05:30Agile development and automated testing are two different paths altogether, but they have given birth to a term ‘agile test automation’. Today, with more and more companies shifting towards agile development processes, they are depending on test automation to improve their application in the development and save on the time [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail April 14, 2015 Read more...
5 Reasons why your Business should adopt Agile Testing Cigniti Technologies2020-01-27T12:27:50+05:30Today, many organizations follow agile software development processes, yet they are reluctant to try agile testing. The old mindset that developers should develop the complete product and then send it in for testing is just that – old. If all these years, you have been following the same routine, [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail March 18, 2015 Read more...
Creating a High-Velocity Testing Organization Cigniti Technologies2020-07-08T15:12:45+05:30Efficient and high-quality software cannot be developed overnight. It demands weeks – and sometimes months – of dedicated effort and rigorous testing. Research has revealed that 80% of downtime is a result of application errors or failures. The downtime situation worsens when cloud computing is involved. The solution for [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail February 27, 2015 Read more...
6 Steps to Successfully Transition to an Agile QA Cigniti Technologies2021-05-31T15:09:27+05:30Agile methodology is increasingly finding its place in software projects across the world. Statistics show 88% of businesses have adopted agile methodology, yet only 38% are using agile for more than 75% of their projects. This indicates that companies are still struggling with the end to end transformation to [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail February 3, 2015 Read more...
4 Tips To Become the Agile Tester of Your (Customer’s) Dreams! Cigniti Technologies2020-01-27T12:28:08+05:30Being agile is today’s way for businesses to deliver the intended value their customers expect from their services. Agile software development practices are being hailed globally as the new benchmark in technology product/project delivery. In this context, agile testing finds an irreplaceable seat in the agile bandwagon. What is agile [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail January 7, 2015 Read more...