So You loved being part of LiQE East? LiQE West is going to be even better.

Listen on the go!

Leadership in Quality Engineering (LiQE)- Central and East were the beginning. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride of knowledge and information driven by thought leadership in the DevOps and Quality engineering space at LiQE-West.

A Quick Disclaimer

LiQE-West, a 100% Thought Leadership in Quality Engineering event, is completely vendor neutral, will have no booths/stalls/event promotions or selling or promotion of services of products.

Why LiQE-West?

Wouldn’t the following benefit you and your organization? Read and answer honestly.

  • Better software for a better future
  • Being part of a great learning and sharing experience surrounded by an august gathering of QA Thought Leaders and Analysts from across the country
  • Being part of a world class gathering of customer experience testers, quality engineering specialists, Agile and DevOps experts, test automation evangelists, performance engineering architects, and mobility experts who play with platforms, device landscapes, apps, and dabble with scripts, labs and tools
  • Networking with the industry thought leaders while discussing ideas on how to prepare for the Next Generation QA services
  • Gaining knowledge that will definitely give your company a critical edge in software testing
  • Hearing well known speakers and Quality Engineering thought leaders talk about the evolution and advancements in Quality Engineering and the role that QA can play in the DevOps world
  • Listening to leading analyst from IDC
  • To meet and network with key influencers and decision makers of Global 2000 companies


We are sure you would feel the same!

What do you get to do at LiQE-West?

  • Listen to leaders from the global quality engineering community reveal a treasure of real world experience and why they regard quality engineering as a business enabler
  • Listen to, interact with, and learn from leading analysts from IDC, and a panel of quality engineering gurus who have led their organizations to success
  • Network with Transformation program specialists in the DevOps and Quality engineering space

How to be a part of LiQE, you ask?

Check out LiQE West ( for yourself and register for the same.

Please share and spread a word about this event and do your bit towards spreading the cause of software quality for better business and better future.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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