How To Make Your Development and QA Teams Work Together?

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When developers and testers cooperate, consult and coordinate on a project, the result is always above expectations. This type of close interaction helps developers to meet their deadlines, testers to release error-free functionalities and customers to enjoy a superior product.

However, bringing together Development and QA teams will not be easy since both teams have to meet deadlines and work pressures.

The following suggestions will help to minimize differences and maximize productivity:

We are a Team Approach

In a team, everyone has a definite role to play and no one can perform independent of each other. So, it is important to develop a “We are a Team” approach. It is very important to encourage interaction between QA and Development from the first day of the project as it helps to develop clarity and set aside misunderstandings. Most of the time, QA teams and Development teams are busy pointing fingers at each other. If both teams understand that the focus in on building a superior product together, these problems can be easily resolved.

Understand and Respect Each Others Roles

The QA and Development teams should understand that even if their work profiles are different, they are very interdependent on each other.

According to Paul Graham, most developers demand “maker time” where they are concentrating on a complex task of building a software according to client specifications. At that time, disturbing them with bug reports will be annoying. Using an official bug reporting platform will definitely help testers to keep things under control.

It is very important that the development team understands that it should keep some time to work on bugs. And the QA team should understand that not every bug they report may receive a favorable response.

Prioritize the Project from the Viewpoint of a Customer

When developers build the software, they should understand what each feature stands for and how it will help a customer. When a QA analyst works on a project, they should understand the end –result and the customer expectations from the project. The fact is that developments in technology have increased customer expectations of a product or service. And even the customer service for the product. For instance, customers now expect an app or a software to be seamless, intuitive, and reflect how they work in the real world. This is something Apple adopts for every product they release to the market.

Thus having a customer-centric approach to your software development can increase the usability, and customer satisfaction.

Encourage Formal and Informal Interactions

Break down the walls imposed by misunderstandings and lack of communication. QA analysts should sit closer to the developers, and interact with them regularly. If they don’t know each other well, things are definitely going to be difficult. Help develop a strong group communication at each phase of the project through an established tool or platform.

If you are looking for a QA team that easily dovetails into your development and contributes to a productive software, the QA experts at Cigniti can help you. Cignitis QA staffing and Consulting Services help businesses to hire specialist QA analysts and leverage their skills for your projects. With our functional skills, and the expertise garnered from working in diverse projects, we bring the much-needed understanding and flexibility every development team needs.


  • Cigniti Technologies

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