Best Practices in a Continuous Delivery Enterprise: Building Standardized Tooling and Pipes for a Bi-Modal Operating Model

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As firms embrace digital transformation, it is crucial to build continuous delivery methodologies that allow for the speedy deployment of software applications. An organization that uses continuous delivery fosters quicker innovation and expedites the delivery of products and services to customers. Building standardized tooling and pipes for a bi-modal operating model is one of the best practices in a continuous delivery company. We will discuss the significance of standard tooling and pipes and offer advice on how to construct them efficiently in this first blog of the series on best practices in a continuous delivery enterprise.

What is a Bi-Modal Operating Model?

The confluence of two distinct modes of operation inside an organization – mode 1, which is centered on stability and reliability, and mode 2, which is centered on agility and speed – is referred to as a bi-modal operating model. Building standardized tooling and pipes that support both modes is crucial in a bi-modal operational architecture.

The bi-modal operating paradigm enables businesses to strike a balance between the demands for agility, speed, stability, and efficiency. By using this strategy, businesses may produce software applications more quickly and agilely while still making sure the program is dependable and robust.

The Importance of Standardized Tooling and Pipes

In a bi-modal operating paradigm, standardized tooling and pipes are crucial because they offer a foundation for delivering software applications reliably and effectively. Pipes refer to the procedure of transporting code from development to production, whereas tooling refers to the software tools used to create, test, and deploy applications.

Companies may make sure that the development, testing, and deployment of applications are done in a uniform and repeatable manner by standardizing the tooling and pipes. This lowers the possibility of errors and guarantees a speedy and reliable deployment of applications.

Tips for Building Standardized Tooling and Pipes

Define Standardized Processes

It is crucial to establish uniform processes for development, testing, and deployment to construct standardized tooling and pipes. All team members should be informed of these procedures, which should be documented and disseminated.

Use Automation

Automation of the application development, testing, and deployment processes enables businesses to lower the risk of errors while ensuring speedy and reliable application deployment.

Use DevOps Practices

To provide uniform tooling and pipes, DevOps approaches like continuous integration and deployment are crucial. These procedures make sure that adjustments are made promptly and effectively, as well as that software programs are frequently and more nimbly implemented.

Use Containers

Companies can package their apps and dependencies into a single, deployable entity by using containers. Also, regardless of the environment, containers make sure that applications are deployed regularly and dependably.

Use Cloud Infrastructure

Businesses may construct standardized tools and pipes thanks to the scalability and flexibility that cloud infrastructure offers. Companies may quickly spin up new environments and scale their applications as needed by utilizing cloud infrastructure.

Implement Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring enables businesses to spot concerns early and resolve them before they escalate into bigger issues. As a result, applications are reliably and swiftly deployed.


A bi-modal operating model necessitates the creation of standardized tools and pipes. Companies can deliver software applications faster and with greater agility by implementing best practices like defining standardized processes, utilizing automation, DevOps practices, containers, cloud infrastructure, and continuous monitoring. At the same time, these practices ensure that the software is stable and reliable. It is crucial to establish continuous delivery strategies that support the quick deployment of software applications as businesses continue to embrace digital transformation.

With quality and security embedded into the product development and delivery cycles, Cigniti’s comprehensive DevOps services and expertise can help you put your DevOps transformation into action by automating at every level of development and deployment.

Need help? Consult our DevOps experts to learn more about the best practices in a Continuous Delivery Enterprise and how to build Standardized Tooling and Pipes for a Bi-Modal Operating Model.


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