How cloud testing can take your enterprise up a notch

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No one knows how far into 2021 we’ll continue to avoid air travel, shop primarily online, and work from home, but it’s clear that every enterprise should become more adaptive, responsive, and agile than ever before. 

Cloud architectures have significantly molded the way enterprises function and every leading industrial analyst predicts that cloud computing will help enterprises accelerate pandemic recovery in 2021.  

According to Forrester, “The global public cloud infrastructure market will grow 35% to $120 billion in 2021. 

The increasing popularity of cloud computing has eventually led to the rise of cloud-based testing which involves the use of cloud infrastructure to carry out the software testing. They are primarily used for simulating the testing environments over the cloud. 

Setting up cloud testing services has become a straightforward process for all enterprises. It empowers everything including setting up infrastructure, leveraging cloud servers, monitoring testing goals, developing user scenarios, designing test cases, and delivering results. 

If your enterprise has not yet moved to the cloud, using cloud testing services can be an ideal first step towards it. As cloud-based testing has an on-demand nature, it creates a dynamic and easily available testing environment that is both secure and affordable. 

Testing can be conducted in different types of cloud environments such as Public, Private, and Hybrid. All these environments are cost-effective and provide advanced security. Based on the conduciveness, enterprises can opt to any of these environments.   

According to ForresterMore than 50% of worldwide operations will depend on at least one public cloud platform to manage digital transformation and meet customer expectations. 

Cloud testing services rely on dynamic allocation of shared resources to create flexible environments that simulate user scenarios and real-world traffic. Easier access to cloud environments allows enterprises to approach application testing as a scalable and on-demand service. 

Assured Enterprise Performance Testing 

Cloud usage can quickly be scaled up and down or stopped completely making performance testing more feasible. The cloud-based infrastructures are ideally suited for creating peak demands for enterprise performance testing and is possible to virtually run tests on-demand. 

Scheduling becomes more feasible as time can be scheduled for running tests and resources can be provisioned automatically. 

The best part of cloud testing services is that it covers enterprise applications too. For a comprehensive approach, it may be required to test multiple routes to a system and the combination of traditional concepts and cloud capabilities will help ensure an optimal model. 

This would result in instilling greater confidence in production performance and greater agility when compared to the traditional techniques. Effective and affordable management of heavy loads is possible by implementing performance testing solutions through the cloud. 

Faster testing leading to reduced time to market 

While automation testing tools have already combined the benefits of shorter test cycles with high productivity, the cloud-based automation tools have taken the QA testing for enterprises to the next level. 

The biggest benefit of faster cloud testing is the reduced time to market giving enterprises a major competitive edge. The applications upgrades are seamless without any downtime.  

There is a faster set up and tool deployment and one can initiate and continue testing from any nook and corner of the world. 

Types and benefits of Virtualization 

Cloud based automation tools also provide additional benefits of virtualization to cloud testing services. Testing becomes more flexible and efficient by making optimal use of resources. 

The different types of virtualizations available in the cloud are  

Server Virtualization: It involves masking the server resources where application installs directly on the server system and a single server can then be divided into multiple servers. 

Storage Virtualization: The physical storages from multiple network devices are grouped to create a single storage system in the cloud. 

Operating System Virtualization: It allows application testing on multiple platforms or operating systems. The virtual machine software is installed on the host operating system and not the hardware.  

Hardware Virtualization: It provides the benefit of flexibility of using the virtual machine instead of a physical machine. Multiple operating systems can be installed on the platform allowing the use of different applications. 

More benefits for enterprises opting Cloud Testing 

Enterprises can scale applications through advanced cloud opportunities that are available online using cloud technologiesReal-time analytics, quick access to the received data, and flawless integration of new functionality empower businesses on their way to comprehensive applications development. 

Cloud testing services enable thoughtful infrastructure capacities, better load performance, convenient data management, and enhanced server-side opportunities, without the threat of additional risks. 

Many readily available cloud testing scenarios, cloud computing environments to simulate the real-world problems, and scalable dev-test technologies save companies money, without loss of quality. 

Having round the clock access to cloud resources, testing processes can be expedited up by efficient time management opportunities. QA teams that are in different time zones or geographic regions have a better organized and flexible Agile, which allows them to work more productively. 

Powerful, proven, and multifunctional cloud testing instruments are at QA team’s disposal. Tools such as SOASTA CloudTest, jarLoadNeoTysTestPlantRanorexXamarin, Jenkins, LoadStormBlazeMeter, Nessus, App Thwack, etc., make the testing process more completequicker, and productive. 

Final Thoughts 

To accelerate time to market, enterprises need holistic cloud testing solutions that cater to various cloud services and platforms. Identifying the right cloud testing needs and achieving continuous validation for successful cloud transformation is what the enterprises should vouch for. 

Cigniti’s cloud testing services offer end to end validation of cloud migration transformation and cloud native build with a shift left cloud first approach. Cigniti’s team validates whether your cloud deployment is secure and gives you actionable remediation information when it’s not complying the standards. 

Cigniti’s cloud testing services help enterprises achieve compliance, secure data, reduce efforts by 40% through automated build and deployment validation and improve productivity by 35% with early alerts for any issues. 

Get maximum value from your cloud transformation journey with Cigniti’s Cloud Testing servicesSchedule a discussion with us to consult with our experienced team of cloud testing experts. 


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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