Can Cloud Testing accelerate your Digital Transformation efforts?

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Industry reports and surveys have shown how Digital Transformation has been perceived by most CIOs as a process of mere technology adoption and execution. However, Digital Transformation draws a bigger picture, with tremendous scope for Organizational Transformation and Quality Transformation efforts. It cannot be confined to a laundry list of technology projects to gain business viability. Hence, Digital Transformation goes beyond merely building applications, but transforming some key factors – People, Processes, Technology. Quality Assurance and Testing becomes an integral aspect of Digital Transformation. How can Cloud Testing help accelerate various Digital Transformation initiatives with effective Digital Assurance and Testing strategy?

George Westerman, principal research scientist with the MIT Sloan Initiative states, “Digital transformation is when companies use technology to radically change the performance or reach of an enterprise.” Mobile Application, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, and leveraging other digital services is important, but Digital Transformation has to serve the larger purpose of transformation at an organizational level. Performance, Functionality, and Security needs to be ensured at every level of change.

Cloud-based Testing is a kind of software testing, where the web or mobile-based applications leverage Cloud Computing environments to create real-world user traffic and user environment. Cloud Testing is being considered and used for its specific strength areas, especially for Digital Transformation activities.

Key reasons for considering Cloud Testing for Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation initiatives can involve anything and everything, right from building applications to launching them amongst users, and getting feedback to updating the applications in real-time. Cloud Testing with its intrinsic benefits accelerates various levels of Digital Transformation and helps enterprises to reduce time-to-market and ensure quality in the process.

Access to resources at anytime

With seamless Internet connection the devices and applications can be accessed from anywhere at any time. This opens up the opportunity to make changes and update applications even in real-time. Hence, investment in hardware is not needed, which makes the testing and development activity more flexible. Business Agility is needed to make strategic moves such as delivering LIVE updates, or making LIVE changes within the user environment, and much more.

Unlimited availability of resources is probably the best value that Cloud brings for enterprises to successfully leverage Digital Technologies, and build applications/software that are scalable and resilient.

Being Cost-effective is business-critical today!

Enterprises today need strategies, ideas, and processes that bring cost-effectiveness to deal with the challenging market conditions and competition. Even QA needs to bring in modes that ensure efficiency with also bring down the costs for testing. When it comes to testing, investments such as testing tool licensing and infrastructure costs come into play. Cloud Testing provides the flexibility for teams to accesses the testing tools and infrastructure from anywhere and update the applications or software. This reduces the investment in tools, and teams can often consider a pay-as-you-use model to leverage various testing environment needs. It further reduces the need for more computing power, resulting in optimal use of resources.

Support Continuous Development and Integration

In order to ensure that the digital initiatives work for you and your customers, it is important to keep innovating and developing your application on a constant basis. Processes such as Agile and DevOps are being leveraged to ensure that Continuous Development is followed by Continuous Testing, and possibly Continuous Integration. Cloud Testing supports Agile by facilitating a platform that encourages collaboration, and with test management solutions hosted on the Cloud, it helps teams to stay on the same page.

This further helps in Continuous Integration by ensuring that the newly developed fragments are deployed faster and teams stay on schedule to deliver patches on time. With constant availability of test environment, teams are able to test the applications for performance, functionality, security, and scalability as well.

Make Cloud work for you

When you invest in hardware or software infrastructure, you have to play by its rule and tweak your requirements around the way that the infrastructure can deliver. However, with Cloud based testing you can make the infrastructure work for you the way you want. You can incorporate the LIVE user experiences within your testing needs and ensure that the Cloud environment provides you the necessary components to test the application.

It offers the opportunity to test multiple aspects at a time by multiple testers. For instance, you can conduct functional tests as well as load tests to gauge the capabilities of the application. This kind of flexibility is impossible to achieve in a physical or traditionally built infrastructure. This can enable teams to achieve higher quality standards and maximize test coverage.

With changing priorities and consumer choices teams are expected to take a step backward and gauge the capabilities of their applications. Hence, there is a pressure to revamp processes and methodologies to build stronger application. Processes such as Agile and DevOps help teams to move faster and achieve much relevant results. Cloud Testing gives testing and development teams the flexibility to test the applications as per their requirements.

Digital Transformation can be achieved by ensuring flexibility and business agility. This can be realized by bringing in strategies that encourage better workflows, and faster turnaround time. Cloud-based solutions in many possible ways ensure the same.

Cigniti’s Digital assurance & testing solutions address the multi-faceted needs of digital transformation testing. We assure digital transformations by conducting comprehensive testing across your digital value chain encompassing digital marketing, web portals, web content, digital assets, web analytics, and the entire digital ecosystem – which includes cloud, mobility, big data, and connected devices.

Connect with our experts to ensure that your Digital Transformation initiatives are on-track and deliver the expected results.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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