Business Benefits of DevOps Testing

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This quote by Woody Allen perfectly sums up traditional methods of software development, doesn’t it? Traditional is a mere illusion of permanence. With new companies trying to gain ground and big companies trying to stay on top, it was inevitable that software development outgrew the traditional way, and outgrowing with DevOps. When traditional methods seemed to choke the life, out of innovation, collaboration and communication, DevOps came as a new breath of life. With the idea of improving communication and collaboration among the development and operations teams, DevOps has broken down every barrier that traditional methods had raised.

But, does it really make business sense?

Yes it does! Here is why:

According to a recent global survey done by Rackspace, many companies globally are adopting DevOps and are able to see measurable business benefits. Around 700 US, UK and Australian technology decision makers were involved in this survey, out of which 51% of those familiar with DevOps had already implemented it and another 35% were planning to adopt DevOps practices in the near future. To better understand the business benefits of DevOps check out this infographic by Rackspace highlighting some of the data from their recent survey.

As we see from the above survey chart, DevOps makes a lot of business sense to lot of big businesses. Here in this blog we are going to highlight just two business benefits of DevOps that have raked in a loyal fan following.

Fast and Frequent Delivery of Features

In DevOps all the key steps required for the software development  are automated. Thus, whenever a new software is ready to  release there will be  no operational constraints to contend with. So you are in full control of when and how to release the latest features of your software to your customers. Automation also ensures that the development cycle of software is reduced, thus ensuring good time to market ratio, which in turn results in increased customer satisfaction.

Stable Systems

In a traditional environment, the development team is responsible for new features and the operations team takes on the responsibility for stability. As expected there is bound to be a tug-of-war and inevitable delays. In DevOps however, both aspects are taken care of by one team. Because of this, testing every new change with respects to all the aspects of the software becomes much more simple, fast and efficient. With a shared code base, it becomes possible to detect any bugs and problems in the software at the earliest and get instant feedback, thus being able to tackle the problem before it turns into a complex issue. Such faster and effective troubleshooting ensures reduction in downtime and failure rates.

Just two benefits and you know DevOps and the concept behind the name really does make a lot of business sense. The business benefits of DevOps are for real and out there for all to see.

By the way, did you notice that the survey by Rackspace also showed that 73% of companies that adopted DevOps are working with outsourced providers to fulfill their DevOps automation requirement as it is cost effective and improves productivity?A sound business decision, wouldn’t you say?  Contact us at Cigniti and we’ll show you why it is.



  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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