8 Best Practices for Mobile App Testing

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Mobile app testing is beset by challenges arising out of the huge variations in network, devices and OS, not to mention differences in user skills. Add to this, the need for better video and audio capabilities and hand gesture based applications, it is imperative that a mobile app delivers on all counts!
To get those much desired five star ratings, an app needs to rise above these challenges and deliver high performance under varying conditions of usage.

Cigniti Technologies is a front runner in mobile app testing. Through our years of practice, we have put together certain best practices that, when followed diligently, can ensure a mobile app that is truly versatile.

1. Testing strategy: Devising a testing strategy helps to lay down certain guidelines which all testers are expected to follow. This brings uniformity in testing and ensures adequate test coverage.

2. Test on real devices: While emulators and simulators are really useful in testing in the early stages of development, the app needs to be tested sufficiently on actual devices too. Testing on real devices ensures test results are realistic and gives the tester a better idea regarding the look and feel of the app and its general usability.

3. Test early and test often: Start testing as soon as development has reached a logical stage. This helps to identify issues early before they become too costly to fix. Track results of each test cycle.

4. Set device and OS preferences: It might be virtually impossible to test exhaustively on all device, network and OS combinations. Determine upfront which devices and OS your app will specifically cater to and perform QA on them.

5. Automate testing: Automation greatly reduces time to market and generates high ROI besides giving the benefit of repeatable testing.  But an important factor to keep in mind is periodic maintenance of the automation test suite.

6. Adequate performance, stress and security testing:  Performance, stress and security testing make your app robust and can prevent financial liabilities arising from user distress. Check for known and unknown vulnerabilities, including those arising from third party and open source software packages.

View Cigniti’s whitepaper on performance testing of mobile apps

7. Check battery consumption, fault tolerance and interoperability: Power hungry apps most likely get deleted. Be sure to check how much battery your app consumes. Also, check how well it works with other popular apps and how it adjusts to negative conditions like varying network strengths or suspended connections.

8. Ensure your app is truly global: Your app will have worldwide appeal only if it adapts to various geographies. Ensure it supports languages, currencies and even popular social networks of prominent markets.

There is nothing worse than an app that loads slowly or crashes frequently. 50% users who encounter a bug never return. Selecting an appropriate testing partner to grow with can make the difference between success and failure for your app.

Cigniti brings you the advantage of a state-of-the-art mobile test lab coupled with a co-located mobile testing team and strategic alliances with mobile tool vendors.  We offer fine-tuned mobile testing services supported by our proven testing approach, Proprietary Testing IP (ETAS), and mobile testing capabilities through our Mobile Centre of Excellence resulting in superior quality, cost optimization, and accelerated go LIVE time across any combination of mobile devices and operating systems. Know more.

Mobile Test Automation, Mobile Testing, Mobile Application Testing, Testing a Mobile Application, Mobile Testing Blogs


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

Comments (2)

  • Nisha W

    Nice article. I would like to introduce MTAS here. It is an end-to-end
    mobile automation testing tool compatible with numerous applications. For more
    information check http://msystechnologies.com/

    May 31, 2016 at 9:33 AM
  • Priya Tirpathi

    Hi ,Thank you for providing such an informative information. I am into app development for last 10 years now and understand the necessity of testing your apps thoroughly before putting it for user user .I wanted to check how my app was running on all real-time devices.Then I Came across pCloudy which have all real-time devices to check all apps and they provided free trial also.their mobile app performance testing tools helped me understand my app performance and fix my errors.

    June 2, 2016 at 12:24 PM

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