5 Reasons Why You Should Go For An Independent Software Testing Service

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Which is better – An in-house QA or an external QA? Companies have tried the in-house QA route for years. Some tasted success, and some did not. But one thing all companies with in-house QA have experienced is the constant struggle to maintain a skilled QA team that is readily available on demand. Remember that skills and direction are highly prone to change in the software market.

Advantages of Independent Software Testing Service

External QA via Independent software testing services brings the advantage of a dedicated testing team sans the challenges of maintaining such a team. An independent testing team is required to ensure unbiased and objective evaluation of software, uncovering potential flaws and vulnerabilities that might be overlooked by in-house developers.

Let us look closely at some of the main benefits of independent testing:

Quality of testing

An independent testing team gives an impartial, third-party view of the software, leading to efficient and uninfluenced (assumption-free) testing that meets customer expectations. Independent testing finds more defects compared to testing performed by the project team. The testing cycle is not compromised due to lack of time or budget. Independent testers adhere strictly to the customer’s goals and objectives and are immune to management pressure.

Less Management Effort

With an independent testing team, the hassle of hiring and training testers is eliminated. Managers need not worry about dealing with surplus staff. Testers can be engaged on demand and come with industry standards and compliance knowledge. This eliminates cross-training needs whenever a tester moves from one domain to another. Businesses can react and respond quickly to market changes and stay ahead of the competition.

Access to the best testing talent

Independent testing organizations give businesses access to the latest testing practices and resources skilled in new technologies. Most testing services have their test centers of excellence and boast partnerships with leading tool vendors for the latest in testing tools. They bring the advantage of an extensive knowledge base built from years of cross-industry testing experience.

Total cost of ownership

Partnering with an independent testing services company eliminates the need to set up hardware and software required for testing. Businesses do not need to maintain testing practices or test environments and tools. Access to specialized resources reduces rework. Automation expertise also helps to cut down testing efforts. All these significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of the product.

Time to Market

Independent testers bring the advantage of tried and tested testing processes. People with the right skills are engaged from the beginning of the project. This ensures faster turnaround time, thereby reducing the time to market.


An IDC report reveals that CIOs agree the cost of failure is higher than the price of success. So, they plan to increase focus on testing to address quality holistically. Otherwise, failure is inevitable.

If you still need convincing, visit Cigniti to learn how we can make a difference in your software testing. We are the world’s third-largest independent software testing organization. With our suite of SMART Tools and innovative concepts like Predict Quality TM, we can ensure you get the best in class testing services. Contact us if you have any questions.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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