ISG Recognizes Cigniti as a Contender in the US and Europe Regions in the ISG Provider Lens™ Retail & CPG Services 2023 Study

The ISG Provider Lens™ report for Retail & CPG Services 2023 recognizes Cigniti as,
US Region
Contender in Digital Innovation Services and Managed Services
Europe Region
Contender in Digital Innovation Services and Managed Services
Digital Innovation Services Short Definition
This quadrant assesses innovation among retail and CPG providers as clients seek novel tools for business enhancement and customer value. Clients desire tech insights for new interactions, revenue streams, and models. Post-digital transformations, clients leverage emerging tech like AR/VR, blockchain, and AI, with providers translating innovation into tangible business advancement.
Managed Services Short Definition
This quadrant assesses managed service providers, offering full-spectrum solutions with agile outsourced operations and AI-driven automation. Providers ensure compliance and introduce emerging tech solutions, fueling innovation and growth in retail and CPG sectors.